Bookseller Catalogs

Fall 2018

By Yesterday's Muse, Inc.

Fall 2018 A selection of 158 new acquisitions, including: a first edition of the first Uncle Remus book; a folio edition of The Cooper Vignettes, believed to be the first published book to employ bank note printing techniques; signed first editions by women authors (Byatt, Dillard, etc.); a signed copy of Mary Poppins.

How to request a print version: Printable PDF

205: Richard Weiss Library of Natural & Physical Science [part V]

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

205: Richard Weiss Library of Natural & Physical Science [part V] JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #205: 40 books mostly from the Richard Weiss Library, [Part V: "H"], featuring books in the sciences: natural history, physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, evolution, biology, philosophy, and Greek or Latin classics. Among the authors: Ernst Haeckel, John Haldane, Edmond Halley, Sidney Harmer, William Snow Harris, Georg Hartwig, René Just Hauy, Johann Georg Heck, August Heller, Hermann Helmholtz, Sir John Frederick William Herschel, Heinrich Hertz, Terrell L. Hill, Russell Hinman, Jabez Hogg, R.A. Houstoun, Jean Pierre Huber, Francis Huber, Alexander von Humboldt, Thomas Henry Huxley, Christian Huygens, John Hymers, (as well as) Isaac Newton, and Arthur Shipley.

How to request a print version: Write to: Jeff Weber Rare Books,

204: RICHARD WEISS LIBRARY on the Physical and Natural Sciences

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

204: RICHARD WEISS LIBRARY on the Physical and Natural Sciences JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #204: 23 books on the history of science and natural sciences, including books by Camille Flammarion, Fleming on British Animals, another Fleming, this time on Electric Wave Telegraphy and Telephony, Fontenelle on Geometry (in French), a beautiful copy of Flourcoy's Système des Connaissances Chimiques,1800-2, 6 vols., FRANCOEUR, Astronomie Pratique, BOUGEREL's life of Gassendi 1737, GRAVESANDE, The Elements of Universal Mathematics, or Algebra, 1728, and others on mathematics, physics, astronomy, etc. Continues previous listings from the Weiss library.

How to request a print version: On-line format only

Catalogue 24: Latin Americana:  1607 - 2016.

By Kaaterskill Books

Catalogue 24: Latin Americana:  1607 - 2016. 61 Archives, Manuscripts, Broadsides, Books, & Graphics 1607 - 2016.

How to request a print version: For a print version contact us at or call our office 518-589-0555

Catalog 415:  BOOKS ON BOOKS

By Susan Benne

Catalog 415:  BOOKS ON BOOKS Printing History * Book Design * Press Books * Typography * Bibliography

How to request a print version: Please download the pdf and print the catalog.

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